Thursday, 22 October 2015

front cover 11

 Vintage Rock magazine.

From this magazine i feel the most outstanding feature of this cover is the image. I feel this is because the whole front cover is in colour apart from the main central image which is in black and white which is stereotypical for vintage.

The masthead on this magazine is in the top quarter and is white against a red background. The font of this masthead is san serif as it looks neat and bold. I like the style of this masthead and i feel it suits the vintage genre, this masthead inspires me for the masthead on my vintage magazine.

On this cover there are 5 cover stories. Three of the cover stories used are in the same size and font, but two of the cover stories are mainly shown by pictures. The headline is in a bigger font than the other stories and " ROCKABILLY QUEEN" is in yellow which makes it even more eye catching to the reader.

There is a banner along the top of the magazine. In the right hand corner of the magazine there is a pug.  The pug says " The genius of Ray Charles" this will lure in readers as they will want to find out what Ray Charles has done that has made him a genius.

The main colour scheme used on this magazine is red,yellow and white. These colours i feel work well together as red is the background which makes the yellow and the white stand out together. Also only four features on the magazine are shown in yellow, i feel this makes them stand out and they may be important features.

From the cover i believe that the magazine is mainly featured at women, as the main article is about Wanda Jackson and how she is a rockabilly queen, which would interest other women. But i also feel Laura Mulveys theory of 'male gaze' is used her. As the model on the front has been made up and had her hair done and has been made to look attractive and this will appeal to a male audience.

There is a puff in the bottom corner above the barcode. The puff is advertising that there is an album review in the magazine.The magazine quality is clear and it feels of a good quality.

The model that has been used looked directly into the camera, this is making the magazine look more personal as though the model is looking at the buyer. The shot type used is a medium close up and the pose is turning in to look at the camera and smiling. The photo has been taken in black and white which suits the vintage genre. Also the image has been manipulated by being taken of it original background and placed onto the red checked background.The model is dressed to represent the genre and her hair has been also made to look vintage by creating a pin up hairstyle.

For my magazine i would consider using the idea of colours and then a black and white feature, i like this as it suits the vintage genre but adds a modern twist to it.

1 comment:

  1. A fully proficient post that could be excellent. Add cutaways to visually show the part you analyse and also highlight key media terminology. Ensure you write about the puff too.
