Thursday, 22 October 2015

Contents page 4

This contents page is from a 'Q' music magazine. This is from the October 2008 addition.

In total on this contents page there is 15 stories. There is four sections to this contents page, there is the list of contents, the main feature of the magazine which has a photograph, the 'Q' review and then the every month section.

The 'Q' matches the masthead on the front cover, also the house style is the same. There is altogether three columns of text. Also there is two images that have been taken in locations, one is of a boy group and the other of a single man.

The page numbers are the same size as the title of the articles but they are different by being in a different colour. The page numbers are in red whereas the rest of the text is in black.

On this magazine cover there is only white space behind the list of contents, i like that there is not a lot of white space as it makes it look interesting and busy when there is not much white space.

The 'Q' logo is used twice on this contents page, its used at the top for 'Q contents' and  at the bottom of the page for 'Q Review'. I like the repetition of the 'Q' as i feel it also links the contents page back to the front cover. Bauer is the publishers of Q magazine.

I believe the target audience for this  magazine is an older audience as the contents page is not very colourful so will not appear to a younger target audience.

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