Thursday, 22 October 2015

Contents 5

On this magazine contents page there is no logos/brands to identify the magazine.

This contents page is advertising 23 different articles. Some of the articles are listed via a picture of what the article are about, and others are in a list format, listing all the different articles.

Four of the photos used on this contents page have been taken in a studio. You can tell this due to the plain colour backgrounds, whereas the one of the other photos is a location and the other two are album covers. I like the use of different images on a contents page as i feel this makes the contents page look more interesting and appealing to the audience.

This cover links to the vintage genre as all the photos look dated and the artists are not modern artists that are popular nowadays. I believe this is targeted at an older audience as there is not many colours or bright sections that will be outstanding and interest a younger target audience.

Out of all the pictures in only two shots the model/models are looking into the camera. One of the other shots is a highly staged shot and the other two are action shots as the artist is playing/ singing their music. The group is arranged by some of the men sitting and then others standing behind them.

The image of this artist is showing her standing up proud. She is dressed very upper class and looks independent.  The photos are arranged in a collage format, as not all the pictures are the same size but all slot well together. And the list of contents is in list format straight down the page and all the text is left aligned.

The page numbers for the pictures article are in a bold white text over the picture. I like the use of white as it is easily readable over the picture, and is eye catching to the reader. The page numbers are placed randomly in the corners of the pictures.

On this contents page there is not a lot of white space. I like that fact there is not a lot of white space as it makes the magazine look full and busy. The only white space on this contents page is behind the contents list, but this is used well so the list can easily be read by the buyer.

From this contents page i will consider using the way the photographs are collaged as i feel it makes the page look interesting to the reader, due to a selection of pictures in different sizes.

1 comment:

  1. A very proficient post, you could highlight key media terminology.
